Marwyn and John's (archive) home pages
where you will find details of some of the things that
we made available to friends and family.
The Cevennes - Summer 2012
We continued our series of visits to the South of France
every other year. This
time we decided to try the Cévennes, a hilly area we didn't know at all. As usual we made our way down
staying in Logis de France,
crossing from Newcastle to Ijmuiden on the excellent DFDS ferry. If was
fascinating to find that Robert Louis Stevenson is so well known in the
area for his "Travels with a donkey".
Up in the hills it's much cooler at night than near the coast,
though still lovely and warm during the daytime. Still enough swimming
for John though! - next time we'll have to investigate more of the
© Copyright Marwyn and John Cooke 2000-2018